
Unlock the full potential of your customers and grow your business with our

comprehensive suite of services designed for time-poor business owners like you.

Rosie provides a clear business assessment of "as is" and potential "to be" status.

A growth strategy template for logistics businesses within agreed resource constraints.

Enabling Your Business with the Opportunity to Thrive

Customer Growth Audit

This provides you with clear assessment of your commercial business today and identifies key areas of opportunity that you can consider. Review and report on four key areas for business success and provide a comprehensive report on their status.


Mix – understanding the balance between large & small customers

Sectors – understanding where you operate, how vertical markets contribute to your sales and where growth potential exists

Value – understanding profitable customers


Efficiency – your sales team activity

Effectiveness & Capability – skills mix and process blockers

Cost – sales structure & deployment to generate return


Streamline – manual or wasteful processes in sales and customer service

Mitigate Risk – audit trail and sign off process for customer rates and contracts


Clean & complete – customer data up to date without duplicates and contact information is well maintained

Adds value – record the right information about your customers

Customer Growth Audit

This provides you with clear assessment of your commercial business today and identifies key areas of opportunity that you can consider. Review and report on four key areas for business success and provide a comprehensive report on their status.

Mix – understanding the balance between large & small customers

Sectors – understanding where you operate, how vertical markets contribute to your sales and where growth potential exists

Value – understanding profitable customers


Efficiency – your sales team activity

Effectiveness & Capability – skills mix and process blockers

Cost – sales structure & deployment to generate return


Streamline – manual or wasteful processes in sales and customer service

Mitigate Risk – audit trail and sign off process for customer rates and contracts


Clean & complete – customer data up to date without duplicates and contact information is well maintained

Adds value – record the right information about your customers

Growth Strategy Plan

Our Growth Strategy Plan gives you low-effort, low-cost, yet high-impact strategies that are applicable to your markets, simple to use tracking tools, and helps you to understand the optimal balance in your business between colleagues and technology, to deliver tangible growth outcomes.

Delivered to you in an easy-to-follow format with proposed actions classified by their level of impact, the effort they will take to implement and whether results delivery will be seen in the short, medium, or long term. Optionally RDB Advisory can also support you with implementation and delivery of the plan within your business, helping you and your team to achieve results.

ROI Assessment

Our Commercial Investment ROI Review ensures your investments in CRM systems, contact centre management, marketing activities, and AI tools are directed towards the options offering the best value, maximising your return on investment, and securing your business' future.

If you are considering a commercial technology implementation project or business improvement idea and you want to evaluate the proposed solutions, cost, time, and resource required to achieve successful results whilst mitigating risk and disruption then we can help. We can also review and adapt completed projects to ensure that the desired outcomes are achieved.

BeSpoke Consulting

If you have a commercial business challenge that you want to address, and you lack capacity or expertise within your team then reach out and ask for help. At RDB Advisory we can tailor a proposal to suit your specific requirements and budget.